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March 16, 2025

Northern Edgar County Ambulance Service could form its own Special Service Area –

CHRISMAN, IL. (ECWd) - For the majority of this year, we have heard about the Northern Edgar County Ambulance Service ("NECAS"), a product of an Intergovernmental Agreement, needing additional funds to continue operating, and other needs. We have also been told by the Edgar County Board...

Coles Co. (ECWd) - We shared our concerns over the recent Coles County property tax appeal ruling from the Federal Court in this article. Specifically, we found serious fault with the court's analysis and suggestion that the taxpayers have a state remedy in their unequal protection case against...

LaSalle Co. (ECWd) - More than two years ago I filed a request for review for what we knew were certain violations of our Freedom of Information Act by LaSalle Police Chief Uranich. "For the reasons discussed below, this office concludes that the LaSalle Police Department ( Department)...
