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March 16, 2025

Clark County Park District sued for failing to provide public records…again –

MARSHALL, IL. (ECWd) - Another lawsuit has been filed naming the Clark County Park District ("CCPD") as Defendants for another in a long line of failures of their Executive Director, Charity Murphy. [caption id="attachment_20947" align="alignleft" width="240"] Charity Murphy - CCPD[/caption] Murphy has consistently failed miserably when it comes...

DuPage Co. (ECWd) - Many will recall the numerous meetings College of DuPage Trustees McGuire, Wozniak, and Birt boycotted after former Chair Hamilton resigned. Two of those meetings, 12/17/2015 and 1/7/2016 now appear on the expense reimbursement form for Trustee McGuire and Wozniak seeking mileage reimbursement...

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - The Edgar County Board held a study session this morning and discussions centered around: Airport Zoning and setting a date for the Zoning Commission to provide something to the County Board - In our opinion the Zoning Commission is under no obligation...

TINLEY PARK, IL. (ECWd) - On 6/15/16, the Buckeye Community Hope Foundation (an Ohio-based developer that profits from exploiting tax-credit schemes in other states, such as Illinois) filed an amended complaint against the Village of Tinley Park. This new complaint replaces a poorly-written and meritless...

SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - Last Tuesday (6-14-2016), Kirk Allen was interviewed WMAY-Springfield for Bishop On Air about Illinois' Auditor General Frank Mautino getting his proceedings at the Illinois Board of Elections postponed, and also talking about the Village of Chatham and its water issues. This interview happened...

Sangamon Co. (ECWd) - The Village of Chatham's Mayor Gray was one of the early Kingpins in the creation of what is known as the South Sangamon Water Commission.  The creation of that new public body was done with a resolution adopted and signed in...
