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March 16, 2025

IDOT seeking snowplow drivers in Coles, Shelby, Macon, and Moultrie Counties –

Springfield, IL. (ECWd) - Illinois e-News Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Dec. 30, 2020 CONTACT: Paul Wappel   217.685.0082 Guy Tridgell    312.343.1731 IDOT is Hiring Snowplow Drivers Snow removal drivers are needed in Macon, Coles, Shelby and Moultrie counties EFFINGHAM – The Illinois Department of Transportation announced that openings for snow removal operators are still...

Will Co. (ECWd) - Yesterday we published this article confirming the ongoing criminal investigation of the former DuPage Township Supervisor Bill Mayer.  In that article we noted that the Village of Bolingbrook had not complied with our FOIA request. This morning the City of Bolingbrook responded.  Within...

Will Co. (ECWd) - Earlier, we confirmed the FBI had taken over the Bolingbrook Police Department's investigation of alleged criminal activity by former DuPage Township Supervisor Bill Mayer and published this article on that fact in September.  As we stated in that article, the Federal authorities...

Danville, IL. (ECWd) - The Danville, Illinois Police Department violated the Freedom of Information Act by improperly withholding certain arrest records, and the Illinois Attorney General ordered them to produce the requested records or appeal the decision to the courts. According to the Attorney General's Binding Opinion...

Will Co. (ECWd) - The DuPage Township Supervisor and two trustees, Oliver and Burgess, approved the township tax levy over the objections of two other trustees, Benford and Raga during the last board meeting (video here).  Benford went into great detail, to include providing a PowerPoint...
