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March 16, 2025

Kankakee Valley Airport Authority – ICE Project getting exposed-

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - Rides Mass Transit District ("RIDES-MTD")filed its amended complaint a couple of weeks ago in their lawsuit alleging Edgar County owes them over $152,000 - which was the remaining funds after all debts were paid from the allegedly dissolved East Central Illinois mass Transit...

South Jacksonville, IL. (ECWd) - After South Jacksonville Police Chief Hallock was reinstated with full back-pay, his attorney, Tyson Manker, filed a request for an Official Misconduct Inquiry into the Village of South Jacksonville Trustees, Village Officials, and/or employees for the alleged improper release of information to local...

Shelby Co. (ECWd) - When we write about illegal actions by public officials, in this case, the Shelbyville Township, it’s important to understand what we are saying.  Illegal simply means a violation of law, and does not always indicate a criminal violation. When it comes...

KANKAKEE, IL. (ECWd) - According to January 23, 2017, Board Minutes, the Kankakee Valley Park District Commissioners have been receiving "two free rentals for non-manned facilities." Who knows what else they may be receiving? As we have discussed in numerous other articles about other park districts in...
