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March 28, 2025

Author: John Kraft & Kirk Allen

NEWTON, IL. (ECWd) - After reviewing another Police Officer's narrative of the events from December 18, 2017, it is clear, according to the report, that Jasper County School Board Member Holly Farley gave false information to the Police Officer. Officer James Riddle, said he spoke to Farley...

EDGAR CO., IL (ECWd) - The Truth in Taxation Hearing schedule for today on the proposed property tax increase for the newly formed Elbridge-Symmes Multi-Township Assessment District has been canceled. There were several problems, including passing the cut-off date for submitting the tax levy to the County...

NEWTON, IL. (ECWd) - "We have an emergency" "Two men that are very violent" "Disrupting and yelling and screaming at everyone on the board" All of those statements made by Board Member Melissa Stanley are false. Then she tried to deny saying anything about violence to the Police Officer when...

NEWTON, IL. (ECWd) - Watch our video report on the federal lawsuit, and the "incident" after the last school board meeting adjourned. School Board Member Melissa Stanley made false 911 call after School Board Meeting - After the December 18, 2017 school board meeting, and according to the...

NEWTON, IL. (ECWd) - A Federal lawsuit has been filed in the United States District Court Southern District of Illinois naming the following as Defendants: Board of Education of the Jasper County Community Unit School District Number 1 Andrew D. Johnson, Superintendent Jon Fulton, President of...
