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March 28, 2025

Author: John Kraft & Kirk Allen

ATLANTA, IL. (ECWd) - Atlanta Public Library District - Many have wondered why the Board of Trustees of a Library District would allow such shenanigan's to happen in Atlanta, Illinois over the course of the past several years. From alleged false grant applications, clear and continued conflicts...

CARLINVILLE, IL. (ECWd) - The City of Carlinville, Illinois, filed a grant application for federal funding of a project from the Illinois Department of Agriculture back in 2016. Its purpose was to provide a 75/25% grant ($30k fed / $10k Carlinville) for (emphasis mine) "A Preliminary Engineering...

WILLIAMSFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - The Williamsfield Community Unit School District 210 held a Special Meeting this morning, for the main purpose of having a closed session for board self evaluation with a representative of a statewide association (IASB) as facilitator. From their Official webpage, Statement from the...

WILLIAMSFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - [caption id="attachment_42294" align="alignleft" width="136"] Board Pres. Chuck Ingle[/caption] We attended the Williamfield CUSD #210 School Board Meeting last night, January 8, 2018, and participated in public comment during their Hearing on transferring $50,000 from one account to another. Both Kirk and I voiced our...

[caption id="attachment_42283" align="alignleft" width="193"] Chuck Ingle Photo from[/caption] WILLIAMSFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - During its December 2017 Board of Education meeting, the president of the this Board of Education of Williamsfield Community School District #210, disrupted a speaker during her public comment time and threatened her with...

SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - Save-the-Date ! UPDATE: Date was changed to February 6, 2018 @ 2:00 p.m. in Room 291 in the Howlett Building, Springfield. Everyone is invited to join us on Tuesday, February 6, 2018, for our Live Broadcast of the Hearing on Atlanta Public Library District's...

NEWTON, IL. (ECWd) - The Illinois Attorney General's Public Access Counselor has issued a letter (here or read it below) to the Jasper County Community Unit School District #1 in response to an allegation of an Open Meetings Act violation after the board's December 18, 2017,...
