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March 28, 2025

Author: John Kraft & Kirk Allen

Bolingbrook, IL. (ECWd) - It has come to our attention that an employee of a Florida Corporation based out of Orlando has been filing requests for public records with DuPage Township, mainly related to Trustee Alyssia Benford's communications. We asked JHT's President and COO, Carla Holoman, to...

Bradley, IL. (ECWd) - An Order of Protection has been granted against Bradley Village Administrator Catherine A. Wojnarowski by Porter County Superior Court (Indiana) Judge David Chidester on September 22, 2020. It is an Ex Parte Order For Protection and expires on September 22, 2021. As part of...

Washington, D.C. (ECWd) - Department of Justice Office of Public Affairs FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday, September 21, 2020 Department Of Justice Identifies New York City, Portland And Seattle As Jurisdictions Permitting Violence And Destruction Of Property Identification is Response to Presidential Memorandum Reviewing Federal Funding to State and Local Governments that...

Madison County, IL. (ECWd) - Newly released emails from 2007 - 2016 suggest that several former employees and elected officials within the Madison County government were using official government email, while at work on government time, for electioneering purposes. One of those emails, from "Boobie" even asks...
