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March 28, 2025

Author: John Kraft & Kirk Allen

CLARK CO., IL. (ECWd) - New tactics of public officials (and former officials) travels fast, even if they have no merit. As some of you may remember, Edgar County Board Member Charles Michael Heltsley tried to keep a citizen and taxpayer from attending public meetings by filing...

DeKalb, IL. (ECWd) – Local Sycamore attorney Nicholas Cronauer represents Vantage Electrical group against a former employee whom allegedly stole data from their company. Mr. Cronauer hired forensic expert Andy Garrett of Garrett Discovery whom testified regarding the data theft in a hearing held in Dekalb...

LERNA, IL. (ECWd) - Don Pearcy, the unofficial now-former Village of Lerna President (maybe), tendered his "conditional resignation in a Special Meeting today, January 31, 2016. The problem is that the term of his "conditional" resignation resulted in the village trustees violating the Illinois Municipal Code due...

DeKalb, IL. (ECWd) - Between January 2014 and February 2015, of the approximately $36.000.00 of p-card (credit card) expenditures from one Northern Illinois University p-card account, around $19,000.00 was travel. -- $1,900.00 of this was for Magaly Rodrigues, NIU's "Chief Inspiration Officer", who would not qualify since she was commuting...
