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March 28, 2025

Author: John Kraft & Kirk Allen

Vermilion, IL. (ECWd) - The Edgar County Sheriff's Department served a warrant on former Vermilion (Paris Fire Protection District) Fireman Dale Colter, who was arrested at 8:40 a.m. on January 6, 2020, and charged with Felony Theft of between $10k and $100k. According to Court records, it...

Kankakee, IL. (ECWd) - Earlier last year, the City of Kankakee appointed its City Comptroller to the Kankakee River Metropolitan Agency Board - the appointment comes with a $600 per month paycheck. We have previously written about the inappropriate appointments to the KRMA (read about them here). The...

DuPage County (ECWd) - This afternoon, the Attorney General's Public Access Counselor released a determination stating that DuPage County violated the Freedom of Information Act when it refused to provide W2s for certain elected officials of the county. Those W2s were originally requested in May of 2016,...

Edgar County (ECWd) - A few weeks ago we published an article alleging theft of public funds by a member of the Vermilion, IL (Edgar County) Fire Department, Paris Community Fire Protection District. We understand the investigation is still ongoing (not completed yet) and is being handled...
