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March 28, 2025

Author: John Kraft & Kirk Allen

Edgar Co., IL. (ECWd) - "Public refusal to remain silent and its refusal to accept corruption is the first line of defense against it." Mr. Patrick Fitzgerald, Former United States Attorney, Northern District of Illinois I wonder if the approach of "Bury your head in the sand, never...

College of DuPage (ECWd) – Tonight, the College of DuPage voted to initiate termination procedures against President-on-administration-leave Breuder. Effective immediately. Trustee McGuire shouted about her opinion that it is a totally political move by the majority. She said she will be voting NO. Wozniak stated he is against...

Springfield, IL. (ECWd) - I received a disturbing email this morning purporting to state that Randy Pollard's wife had been hired at the Illinois Lottery, and implying it was a patronage hire.  Randy Pollard is the Governor's downstate director. After trying several numbers to the Illinois Lottery,...

Edgar County, Illinois (ECWd) - When dealing with Edgar County’s Policy Manual, we have brought up the issue of elected officials participating in the health insurance program in direct violation of county policy. We have been reminding the board of this since at least September of...
