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March 28, 2025

Author: John Kraft & Kirk Allen

COLES CO., IL. (ECWd) - Defendant Barry Wolfe appeared in Coles County Court today for a hearing and entered a Guilty Plea to 4 counts of sexual abuse of a minor. He plead guilty to the following: 2017CF420, Count 9 - Criminal Sexual Assault / force, Class...

BLOOMINGTON, IL. (ECWd) - Apparently, this candidate for public office is still living the fantasy life of a child, thinking she can simply issue threats and no one is going to pay attention.  We are paying attention and threats like this from political candiates need called...

Bloomington-Normal, Illinois - (ECWd) - Watch this disgusting display as Judith (Judy) Valente was stopped by the Illinois State University Police on March 28, 2018 for driving on an expired license plate. The plate had been expired since December 2017. She was allegedly on her way...

DANVILLE, IL. (ECWd) - During their monthly meeting this morning, the Vermilion County Airport Authority Board of Commissioners met in open session. During public comment time, I informed the board of their requirement to follow state law in regards to qualifications of office of commissioners. "No person...

OLIVER, IL. (ECWd) - During tonight's Clark-Edgar Rural Water District ("CERWD") Board of Trustees meeting, I reminded the Board that increasing their compensation during their terms of office was a violation of law and the constitution. I also informed the Board that the preferable action was...

ATLANTA, IL. (ECWd) - The third resignation this year came from Angie Harrison. During their June 14, 2018, regular meeting, the Atlanta Public Library District Board of Trustees accepted the resignation of Library Trustee Angie Harrison. Harrison's resignation is dated effective April 13, 2018 - it is unclear...

Learning Liberty: "On this fantastic episode, the trio learn about government corruption and the amazing people risking a lot to bring transparency to the masses. You don't want to miss this episode with the Edgar County Watchdogs!" Watch the video: . Our work is funded entirely thru donations...

ATLANTA, IL. (ECWd) - Bottom line? The Secretary of State declined to make the Library repay the Live and Learn Grant, but it did acknowledge everything we wrote about the grant application and the process surrounding its receipt. Additionally, the Atlanta Public Library District taxpayers saved...
