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March 28, 2025

Author: John Kraft & Kirk Allen

BOLINGBROOK, IL. (ECWd) - During the Executive Session of the DuPage Township Board of Trustees meeting, held February 15, 2019, "heated" discussions were held between Trustees - this was the closed session in which they discussed appointing Felix George as Supervisor. According to emails received via an...

Algonquin Township (ECWd) - Most normal people would think the right thing to do would be for Algonquin Township to simply provide the records we requested under the Freedom of Information Act instead of continuing their waste of time and court resources fighting what they will...

Naperville Township (ECWd) - In January we requested public records from the Naperville Township Road District and Naperville Township, mainly consisting of credit card statements, emails, and attorney legal invoices. Some things were redacted on the credit card statements, and the legal bills were almost entirely redacted. We...

WILMINGTON, IL. (ECWd) - [caption id="attachment_50596" align="alignleft" width="92"] Trustee Spinelli[/caption] We have been notified that the current Wesley Township Highway Commissioner, Travis Parsley, has file a Police report with the Wilmington Police Department alleging Wesley Township Trustee, James Spinelli, illegally obtained keys to the building owned by...
