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March 3, 2025

Author: KDuJan

WHEELING, ILLINOIS - (ECWd) - At a recent Village of Wheeling public meeting, attorney James V. Ferolo from Klein Thorpe Jenkins represented the Village. Keen observers of Open Meetings Act violations committed in recent years have pieced together a concerning pattern where Klein Thorpe Jenkins, as a...

WHEELING, ILLINOIS (ECWd) -- On Monday September 18th 2017, the Village of Wheeling engaged in something similar to a crime spree when it comes to trashing both the Open Meetings Act (OMA) and the United States Constitution (specifically the First Amendment's right to petition government bodies...

(Orland Park Public Library Director Mary Weimar's credit card spending is questioned.) ORLAND PARK, ILLINOIS -- (ECWd) -  A strong argument can be made that the Orland Park Public Library Board (OPPLB) of Trustees has run afoul of the Illinois Local Government Travel Expense Control Act (50...

ORLAND PARK, ILLINOIS (ECWd) -- The Orland Park Public Library apparently manipulated its email server somehow to block a recent Freedom of Information Act request from this author, made on August 4th, 2017 for documents related to what appears to be possible violations of the Illinois...

[caption id="attachment_38086" align="alignnone" width="224"] Plaque allegedly presented to Paul McCartney by Tinley Park Mayor Jacob Vandenberg on July 26th, 2017 before his concert at Hollywood amphitheater.[/caption] TINLEY PARK, IL (ECWd) - As an update to an earlier report on Tinley Park Mayor Jacob Vandenberg's alcohol-fuelled public spectacle...

Orland Park, Illinois Recently, keen eyes noticed a curious change on the Orland Park Public Library's official Facebook page, which had previously hosted numerous videos dating back to 2014 that the OPPL had paid local videographer Maqbool Rashid to produce (at a cost to taxpayers of...
