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March 28, 2025

Author: John Kraft & Kirk Allen

Illinois (ECWd) - Copy of today's filing in the Northern District of Illinois (HERE). From the Complaint: Upon information and belief, the conduct of officials in Chicago and Illinois minimally enforcing—and oftentimes affirmatively thwarting—federal immigration laws over a period of years has resulted in countless criminals being...

Edwardsville, Ill. (ECWd) - Press Release: EDWARDSVILLE, IL – The Illinois Attorney General Public Access Counselor decided that Chris Slusser’s withholding of “Facebook Blocked Lists” are in fact public records and are being withheld against Illinois Law. Allegations against former Treasurer Chris Slusser for blocking individuals from public...

Kankakee, Ill. (ECWd) - Over a 20-month span during the COVID-19 pandemic, Dee Ann Schippert spent at least 759 hours at a Watseka gambling establishment — an average of almost 38 hours a month — while claiming to be performing her duties as administrator of the...

Shelby Co., Ill. (ECWd) - On January 17, 2025, we sent the Illinois Attorney General's Opinions Bureau additional information for them to consider when rendering an opinion on Shelby County State's Attorney Woolery's request for an opinion on whether there is an impermissible conflict for a...
