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March 28, 2025

Author: John Kraft & Kirk Allen

Darien, IL. (ECWd) - In a June 29, 2015 Press Release (on her campaign page here)(or PDF)  Kim Savage, former College of DuPage Trustee, first talked about the Higher Learning Commission by stating: "Also, in case you missed news reports, the Higher Learning Commission postponed their...

Darien, IL. (ECWd) - In a June 29, 2015 Press Release (on her campaign page here)(or PDF)  Kim Savage, former College of DuPage Trustee, first talked about the Higher Learning Commission by stating: "Also, in case you missed news reports, the Higher Learning Commission postponed their...

Effingham, IL. (ECWd) - While reviewing the Effingham Park District's policies, I came across a policy that shows compensation for Park District Commissioners, even though the Illinois Park District Code specifically states that commissioners shall act without compensation. In short, this district codified its theft of funds...

Springfield, Illinois - (ECWd) - The Illinois Student Assistance Commission ("ISAC") is not immune from controversy in relation to electioneering and reported violations of ethics, election law, the Illinois Constitution, and otherwise general common sense. In 2012, the Daily Caller reported that ISAC participated in an effort...

Sublette, IL. (ECWd) - Just received tips and a picture of a Wind Turbine Fire in the Sublette, Illinois area. This is located in Lee County and believed to be in the Big Sky Wind Farm.. Pic below: [caption id="attachment_22150" align="aligncenter" width="493"] Sublette, IL. area turbine fire 6-23-2015[/caption]...
