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February 23, 2025

Will County

DuPage Township, IL. (ECWd) - On December 9, 2020, a lawsuit was filed naming DuPage Township Trustees Maripat Oliver and Ken Burgess, Supervisor Felix George, and the Township of DuPage as Defendants - this suit is concerning the alleged "special meeting" held on December 4, 2020. It...

DuPage Township, IL. (ECWd) - Through a request for public records, we received the "complaint" sent to the Executive Ethics Commission, as filed by Bonnie Kurowski, and citing various concerns about a DuPage Township (Will County) Trustee. The EEC then sent the "complaint" to the DuPage County...

DuPage Township, IL. (ECWd) - Editor’s note 4-22-2023:  We updated this article with new photos. After Bonnie Kurowski published what DuPage Township considers a "confidential" report on the summary of an employee complaint, the Township Attorney sent a cease and desist letter to her work email address. The...

DuPage Twp, IL. (ECWd) - Editor’s note 4-22-2023:  We updated this article with new photos. We have received information that wannabe "hard-hitting news source" Bonnie Kurowski has sent a threatening email to Township Trustees and the Township Supervisor making all kinds of wild, incoherent accusations, threatening criminal...

Bolingbrook, IL. (ECWd) - There is a new political action Facebook Group (page) in Bolingbrook, moderated by two individuals who according to public and Facebook records live in Florida (unless things have recently changed), claiming to be a "Hard Hitting News Source" but obviously lacking in...

Wesley Township, IL. (ECWd) - Last month, in response to an FOIA lawsuit, Wesley Township, and Trustee Leonard McCubbin filed a Counter-Claim alleging they suffered Fraud, Emotional Distress, and Anxiety by an FOIA requester who is suing the Township for failing to respond to FOIA requests...

Bolingbrook, IL. (ECWd) - DuPage Township Board of Trustees meeting. 10-20-2020. During Public Comment, Trustee Oliver attempted to commandeer the microphone (at about 1:19:49 in the video) after her three minutes of allotted time had expired. She must have thought that since she was a Trustee that...
