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February 7, 2025

Will County

Frankfort, IL. (ECWd) - Alexander “Alex” Petrakis, Associate Principal at Lincoln-Way East High School, resigned his employment effective January 15, 2020. We applaud him for doing the right thing. The School Board vote was unanimous to accept the 5 resignations listed on the Agenda. [pdf-embedder url="" title="LincolnWay 2020-01-16 RESIGNATIONS...

Will Co. (ECWd) - We reported on an Affidavit which was provided to us in this article.  We urge everyone to read the article because comments made by Trustee Maripat Oliver during last night's meeting refer to it, however, she does so in a fashion that...

Will Co. (ECWd) - I think it is pretty safe to say the general population has had enough from government corruption and insider dealings, such as creating jobs for their friends and family.  In most cases that local sausage-making takes place behind closed doors and the...

Will Co. (ECWd) - As our investigation continues in DuPage Township we find more people are beginning to speak out on illegal activities that went on at the Township during former Supervisor Bill Mayer's terms in office. A year ago Mayer stated that he would provide an...

Will Co.. (ECWd) - DuPage Township Trustee Oliver has made it crystal clear that she believed a person requesting private information to be used to set up the Township Quickbooks accounting has committed a crime of identity theft.  She attempted to perpetuate that fantasy during last...
