Bolingbrook, IL. (ECWd) –
There is a new political action Facebook Group (page) in Bolingbrook, moderated by two individuals who according to public and Facebook records live in Florida (unless things have recently changed), claiming to be a “Hard Hitting News Source” but obviously lacking in any legitimate research.
It appears they think posting statements as “questions” will absolve them of any responsibilities to seek Truth. It is quickly becoming more apparent the site is nothing more than a few people gearing up for the Spring 2021 Municipal/Township elections, while trying to pass as legitimate.
The most recent “question” posted “from a new voter in Bolingbrook” talks about a DuPage Township Trustee allegedly voting to pay herself or her company.
We know this statement, I mean “question,” is a complete falsehood, and covered all of it, including copies of all of the alleged checks, in an article we published on January 18, 2019.
Read it HERE, or the copy/paste of it below:
DuPage Twp Supervisor’s wife makes allegations, doesn’t provide proof…
During a portion of public comment at the January 15, 2019 DuPage Township board meeting, Christine Mayer, wife of supervisor William Mayer, made allegations against DuPage Township Trustee Benford.
Towards the end of the meeting, and after the meeting, Christine Mayer said she would provide the proof, and that she would email all the proof she allegedly talked about to us. Trustee Maripat Oliver even made a dog-and-pony show out of the “stack of papers” Mayer was holding which allegedly showed proof of her allegations. After two emails, Mayer has sent us nothing but an excuse, which is quite telling.
Among her allegations include checks written to Trustee Benford’s company allegedly involving the nonprofit “Friends of the Food Pantry” – a private corporation.
Christine Mayer failed to mention that all of the checks she was talking about were written by a nonprofit corporation, not by the township.
First and foremost, a Township in Illinois is never granted the power to establish or form any business (non-profit or for-profit) for any purpose. Under the constitution and Dillon’s Rule, any non-home rule unit of government (a township in this case) has only those powers granted them by the legislature. Therefore, no business, non-profit or otherwise, can possibly be “part of” the township government.
Second, the first check she complains about was written prior to Benford becoming a Township Trustee, which makes it irrelevant. Additional examination shows the check was written from the nonprofit “Friends of the Food Pantry” – which are not public funds nor from a township checking account. We think Mayer should ask that nonprofit why they are paying for flu shots and hotels instead of buying food…
All of the alleged checks Christine Mayer talked about were written from the nonprofit, and not the Township. Benford was never on the board of trustees of the nonprofit, her company is merely a contractor for the private entity, as any other accountant would be.
The Annual Financial Reports submitted by the Township to the Illinois Comptroller never mention “Friends of the Food Pantry” as a unit or component of the Township. If what Christine Mayer states is true, that it is part of the township government, then why is this claimed township entity not on the report? Not to mention, the auditor’s note calls them “affiliated” which does not mean “owned by” the Township, and should also be noted that the Supervisor had control of the funds, and used township employees to manage the private nonprofit.
William Mayer’s wife then tries to claim that her husband, Bill Mayer, is not an officer of the corporation, however, when we checked on the IRS website, he is listed on the most recent 990-N (Postcard) as the Principal Officer of Friends of the Food Pantry. She insinuates we were wrong in stating that he was – the IRS proves us correct.
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