28 Feb Ten Years Of Deceit – Part 5
EDGAR CO. (ECWd) - "I was referred an inquiry from the County Board to investigate...
EDGAR CO. (ECWd) - "I was referred an inquiry from the County Board to investigate...
EDGAR CO. (ECWd) - I have been around the world, and in all my travels I don't think I have ever heard anything so dumb as the question and comments that came out of Mike Heltsley's mouth this week during the Edgar County Study Session. "Never again, will...
Disclosure News Magazine: The following are the Terry Payton Trial news updates from Disclosure News Magazine: Final Report from Disclosure on the Terry Payton Trial - foul language warning...
EDGAR CO. (ECWd) - With all the "confusion" surrounding the Airport and the Certificate of Deposit that was gifted to the airport by the late Jack Asher, we just had to clear a few things up. We will use Chris Patrick's own voice to illustrate the...
EDGAR CO. (ECWd) - The $43,000 On page 2 of Mark Isaf's opinion, he talks about the county board authorizing payment of $43,000 worth of bills incurred by the ambulance service in the month of September, 2003 and that the county made him restore those funds, this...
EDGAR CO. (ECWd) - It has been echoed by Mr. Chris “Character” Patrick as well as most recently, County Board member Mike Heltsley that the Airport Board is an Advisory Board, that votes on things and according to Mr. Character, those votes represent what is suggested...
EDGAR CO. (ECWd) - Below is a very interesting portion of the last (2-19-2013) Airport Board meeting. Interesting is the fact it's clear a couple folks don't understand a Republic form of Government. You know, the kind where a decision is made by a majority of the...
EDGAR CO. (ECWd) - The Edgar County Airport Board, under the leadership and guidance of Chris "Mr. Charactor" Patrick, decided to give away Public Assets. After all, it's just "other people's money", so no need for them to fret over it. The Contract The May 2009 minutes of the...
EDGAR CO. (ECWd) - The year is 2008, November to be exact, and the Edgar County Airport has come into good fortune, so says Jimmy Wells, the Edgar County Airport Manager, as documented in the minutes. The good fortune, according to Wells, is the receipt of a...
EDGAR CO. (ECWd) - Purchase Agreement vs. Service Agreement To better understand some key statements made by the auditor and those made by the State's Attorney, you need to first figure out the differences between the "Purchase Agreement" and the "Service Agreement". It's not too difficult - the Purchase Agreement...