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March 16, 2025

DuPage Township meeting; crime in progress?

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - Anna May Miller began working at the Township Road District for her husband in August of 1998 according to records obtained from the Road District. August of 2013 is the fifteen-year mark putting her at an entitlement of four weeks vacation each...

Algonquin Township (ECWd) - When Algonquin Township Trustee Melissa Victor was contemplating taking an open position for another public body, she asked the Township Attorney for advice on any conflict of interest with serving on both boards (simultaneous tenure). On June 26, 2017, Algonquin Township Attorney James...

ALGONQUIN TWP (ECWd) - Is Trustee Victor intimidating Gasser using threats of police action and the withholding of official action? According to the executive session minutes of a recent special meeting, the Township presented the Road District with a settlement offer in which the township and road...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - As the three-ring circus continues in Algonquin Township, a recent gotcha attempt appears to have backfired for the person raising the issues, but has resulted in positive steps for compliance with the law. Each month for quite some time the Algonquin Township Trustees, particularly...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - It appears from the records, the former Algonquin Township Road District Highway Commissioner Bob Miller was a busy man just prior to departing office. Records reflect there was a flurry of township road district cell phone transfers and phone purchases. It appears at...
