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March 30, 2025

Auditor General Frank Mautino – My dog ate my homework

Springfield, IL. (ECWd) - It has been over three weeks since we broke the story regarding Frank Mautino's questionable campaign expenditures and it now appears things are moving in the direction we suspected would happen. David Cook of Streator, Illinois has filed an official D4 complaint regarding...

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - During the Edgar County Board Meeting this morning, the board heard public comments as required by the Open Meetings Act. One of the commenters was a local attorney who stated he was representing "several individuals" who desired to bid on leasing the main...

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - We tried to verify Edgar County Board Member Mike Heltsley's claims of "utterly useless spending and diminished services" in his recent letter to the editor. Guess what happened when I submitted a Freedom of Information Act request for anything supporting his claims? Nothing. That's right,...

EDGAR CO., IL. (ECWd) - For the second time in the past 18 months, and in a move reminiscent of what we reported in September of 2014, when we wrote about the Federal Aviation Administration ("FAA") calling a work stoppage on all work related to the Edgar County Airport grant...
