...ribbed red DuPage County, the community college president now makes $469,365 per year and suburban city councilmen now collect a lifetime pension for their part-time “public service.” The last “successful”...
...situation was at the time the grant application was signed and approved by the Airport Manager and the Edgar County Board. The below chart is a listing of the aircraft...
...here is that this is the SECOND time he has been disciplined since 2008, with a third one dismissed, and was still employed by the county to act as a...
...is an election coming up this year and it’s time for a change. The next county board meeting is Tuesday, February 11, 2014 at the courthouse annex in Danville at...
...of his disciplinary records. The response was quite telling considering he wants peoples votes. The referenced discipline file they provided earlier is here. Yes, it happen some time ago, however...
...little statement most people put on their FOIA requests to ensure the public body acts within the five-day time-frame for responding. “This is a non-commercial request” That statement lets the...
...times? Should public officials who violate prohibited acts be prosecuted? Have you ever served in the military and will you make your DD214 public? Many will say those questions are...
PARIS, IL. (ECWd) – Refusing to believe the truth, Chris Patrick went on a mission to prove he did not have a conflict of interest. We had reported numerous times...
...Jamaat-e-Islami is closely affiliated with ICNA. ICNA is currently investing its time condemning the Egyptian and Bangladeshi governments for their crackdowns on the Muslim Brotherhood and Jamaat-e-Islami. MAS, for its...
...NOT LGTD 1311211908-1312211907EST Date-Time-Group: (YYMMDDTIME) 1311211908 Easier to understand: 2013 – November, 21 – 1908 hours (7:08 p.m.) It was a 30 day NOTAM So the questions we are left...