...steps being taken and in such a short period of time, all things considered. Our first Article regarding Lincoln-Way was December 22nd, of 2105, in this article that exposed half...
...Times reporting, “Since that time, the La Salle County Asset Forfeiture account has provided tens of thousands of dollars to ensure that high-risk students have drug education and counseling as...
...Tuesday night at the second-ever meeting of the Board of Education’s Building and Finance Committee meeting. Tingley not-so-smoothly evaded direct questions about the for-profit daycare that will continue to operate...
...the code as it existed on or before 10/04/15 (before any of the tampering was formalized) is the code that has been in existence this whole time…since the Village admitted...
...time to save pennies on the paper costs? Really? It is obvious that cost savings is not the reason that NIU did not accept a final written report. Did Suttenfield...
...their office as well as the FBI. Only time will tell if the public’s trust in the system is refreshed or further decayed. [gview file=”https://edgarcountywatchdogs.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/COD-Police-Report.pdf”] Please consider a donation to...
...veered across all sorts of disturbing topics. This was a meeting attended by small children, where Agler chose to use extreme profanity and graphic sexual imagery. At no time did...
...responsible for ensuring State employees are held accountable for wrongdoing. Of the several legislators we have spoken with, all agreed, it’s time for him to resign as he has brought...
...Kevin DuJan, two investigative reporters who uncovered sex crimes and child pornography being accessed at the Orland Park Public Library, which was Bittman’s employer at the time. We believe that...
...We, in the meantime, have been working diligently to implement language in the law that ensures such a gross abuse of power never happens again and that public officials never...