...a part-time position. The Supervisor recieves his compensation on an escalating scale, ensuring a pay raise each year. (2017) $72,970; (2018) $75,159; (2019) $77,414; (2020) $79,737. The Clerk, just like...
...correctional officers with appropriate training, including part-time officers Internal Affairs – discipline investigations should not be conducted by the Sheriff because there would be no supervisor to review the findings...
...a fundraiser for his father around the time he was trying to convince that suburb’s officials to hire his insurance company. The Chicago Sun-Times cites an Aug. 27, 2018, email...
...from his constituents, and that he made the decision that the time has come for him to retire from public service. He acknowledges his continued service would be a distractor...
...prepared for what we believed at the time of publication was for the Northern Illinois Township Highway Commissioner’s Association (NITHCA). All efforts to obtain a copy of the taxpayer-funded powerpoint...
...minutes instead of the normal five minutes because time constraints called for it. All others who addressed the Board during the May 16th, 2017 meeting were given the same two...
...new card and had the old one canceled Fuel usage was still high Chief checked the cards again and another card was missing The Trustees asked FS if they had...
Winnebago Co. (ECWd) – “For the reasons explained below, the Public Access Bureau concludes that the Pecatonica Township Board violated the requirements of the OMA in connection with its January...
...seq., specifically provides that “[c]ompensation shall be for the time served, and no township officer may receive compensation for any future or anticipated days of duty.” 60 ILCS 1/65-5; see...
...at attending this public meeting. This isn’t their first time using police to remove meeting attendees. According to Hamilton, she simply walked in and sat down in chairs available for...