...a 52-page press release, Kenneally makes his case for his exercising his authority of prosecutorial discretion in choosing not to prosecute Robert Miller at this time. There is a long...
...when no such overtime was worked according to the time card. 11-7-2016 – Total hours worked according to time card – 4.5 hrs before lunch, 5.25 hours after lunch. Total...
...either. This Section 4 talks only about “appointed” trustees. Additionally, the only time given for setting compensation falls under this section for appointed trustees. No such authorization is granted under...
...records from Cuba Township that makes it clear, Algonquin Township resources were used at NO CHARGE for the benefit of the Cuba Township Road District, which at the time was...
...District. As promised in our last article on Anna May Miller’s time card confusion, we now focus on the Miller’s two Son-in-law’s time cards for the same period. One question:...
...wife, Anna May Miller. Can anyone explain whey the signed time card dates do not match the electronic payroll dates? For example, the first recorded work time on the time...
...– $2,760.00, Twenty hours of sick time – $600.00, and eight hours of Holiday time –$240.00. Keeping in mind a two week pay period only has 80 hours of regular...
...would support so many hours while out of the state and country. She worked while on vacation and logged her time on her time cards? While we would love to...
...approved rate of pay for all work up to 40 hours in a work week. Overtime monetary pay will be provided to those employees designated to receive overtime at a...
...set number of vacation time based on years in service and clearly states vacation time cannot be accumulated and unused time is void at the end of the fiscal year....