...and approved a proposal from the Richland Country Club to use PUBLIC equipment, property, time and personnel to perform work on the Richland Country Club Property (a private organization not...
...Cary Hagen has for some time taken on the role of bully. She has to be in charge and loves to boss people around………………..yet she has this on her Facebook?...
...father of Brooke Willms, FIPHD employee, a $75.00 gas card from Casey’s? What part of no increase in mileage or gas did they not understand? Having received even more documentation...
...email on September 30, 2013 with this: ———————— Mr. Boyer, I am in receipt of your letter dated September 27th, 2013. I will not, at this time, change anything that...
...working people in my life as those I read today in the Times Republic. If I lived in Ford County I would be leading the charge for the resignation of...
...reportedly directly tied to the Grant Administrator? $793,917.31 To a business, that by all indications is owned by the spouse of the Grant Administrator! Time for a call to action………….Again!...
...Google search #3. Can you guess who that address matches? Ellen McCullough, the Grant Administrator! Time for a FOIA to see just how much money was paid to Custom Builders....
...has acknowledged that they did in fact violate the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) by not responding within the mandated time-frame for FOIA responses. The FIPHD, instead of producing all...
...FOIA denial by Arcola Twonship in that they did not respond to my request for public records. At the time I submitted the complaint to the AG, I had not...