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March 3, 2025

McHenry County Board Chairman

Springfield, IL. (ECWd) - A few weeks ago, thru reporting on a search warrant into past actions of Jack Franks, it was revealed that Speaker Madigan "requested" Franks be prohibited from the State Capitol building without escort. We have confirmed as factual, thru a Freedom of Information...

Mchenry Co. (ECWd) - Those not familiar with the current problems McHenry County Board Chairman Jack Franks is facing, please read this article which also links to the Sun-Times breaking story of Jack Franks' current alleged criminal problems. This coverage is one related to an FOIA we...

SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - According to the search warrant obtained by the Chicago Sun-Times, the Illinois State Police justified a search warrant referencing Jack Franks by stating that "probable cause exists for the crimes of criminal sexual abuse, criminal sexual assault, official misconduct, stalking and aggravated...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - If you are new to our Time Card Tuesday series we urge you to catch up by first reading part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12  As pointed out in our last article, it is abundantly clear, whoever was managing payroll has some explaining to...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - "For the reasons set forth below, the Public Access Bureau concludes that no further action is warranted in this matter." Jennie McCracken, a McHenry County resident and friend of the Bob Miller family according to the NWH, filed a request for review for a Freedom...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - Anna May Miller began working at the Township Road District for her husband in August of 1998 according to records obtained from the Road District. August of 2013 is the fifteen-year mark putting her at an entitlement of four weeks vacation each...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - We covered McHenry County Chairman Jack Franks' political resolution in this article that would allow county board members to have "civic engagement" trinkets that have their name and information on it. The resolution outlines that such trinket expenditures can be reimbursed provided they...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - It's a crime to willfully file a false or incomplete Statement of Economic Interest statement according to our State Ethics law. (5 ILCS 420/4A-107)- Sec. 4A-107. Any person required to file a statement of economic interests under this Article who willfully files a...
