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March 9, 2025


Springfield (ECWd) - Not satisfied with increased gas taxes, prohibitions on pumping your own gas, or $500 fines for using a gas leaf blower, or even having to have $1,000,000.00 in liability insurance just to apply for a FOID card and a carryout bag tax, we...

Springfield, IL. (ECWd) -  Not satisfied with increased gas taxes, prohibitions on pumping your own gas, or $500 fines for using a gas leaf blower, or even having to have $1,000,000.00 in liability insurance just to apply for a FOID card, Illinois Senator Melinda Bush introduced...

Springfield, IL. (ECWd) - Representative Gong-Gershowitz's House Bill 5170 would prohibit insurance sales to Illinois gun owners who would like to insure against rogue police and prosecutor's investigation, indictment, and prosecution of any criminal charge arising out of the use of a firearm (See page 18,...

Springfield (ECWd) - Just when we thought the Illinois Legislature has nothing better to do as exposed in this article, it gets worse. As a diesel-powered vehicle owner, why should I not receive the same benefit as those driving gas-powered vehicles? Illinois State Representative Camille Lilly filed House...

Illinois (ECWd) - For the purpose of this article, we are addressing non-home rule public bodies, specifically County and Township government. More times than we can count, we hear County and Township officials claim they don't have to bid out their insurance because their lawyer told...

Cahokia, IL. (ECWd) - On January 14, 2019, Illinois Senator (57th District) Christopher Belt filed a false Statement of Economic Interest related to his position as a Legislator. Belt was appointed to fill the vacancy left by Senator Clayborne in January 2019. On his filed statement, question number...

ILLINOIS - (ECWD) - By now, most already know Illinois State Senator Tom Cullerton has been Indicted by a Federal Grand Jury on 41 counts. You can read the full Indictment below. What we find interesting, and something we routinely focus on with elected officials is the inclusion...
