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March 9, 2025

Edgar County Assessor

EDGAR CO., IL (ECWd) - The Truth in Taxation Hearing schedule for today on the proposed property tax increase for the newly formed Elbridge-Symmes Multi-Township Assessment District has been canceled. There were several problems, including passing the cut-off date for submitting the tax levy to the County...

Edgar County, IL. (ECWd) - The local governments in Edgar County owed the State of Illinois a total of $166,119.51 in overpayments the state made with the personal property replacement tax back in 2014. A list of all Edgar County overpayments are below, with the School Districts,...

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - According to a recent document dump from the Illinois Department of Transportation in relation to a Freedom of Information Act request about certain things happening at the District 5 IDOT Headquarters, it appears they are allowing a private business to utilize office...

EDGAR CO. (ECWd) - The Edgar County Board held its regular monthly meeting today, August 13, 2014, at the courthouse. There were several actions taken, among those were: -Roll Call: Dan Bruner was the only board member not in attendance - Sandra Willett (currently Clerk Pro Tempore) was appointed to...

 UNITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT SHALL HAVE ONLY POWERS GRANTED BY LAW! Source:  Illinois Constitution.  (When is the last time anyone read it?) Article VII  SECTION 8. POWERS AND OFFICERS OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS AND UNITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT OTHER THAN COUNTIES AND MUNICIPALITIES Townships, school districts, special districts and...

As usual, the county board sits silent and does nothing to hold people accountable for misappropriations of county funds even with stacks of evidence. More amazing is the auditors report and 2 page letter of suggestions the board should implement to prevent further misappropriations, fraud, and theft of...
