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March 28, 2025

Cook County

Midlothian, Illinois (ECWd) - Roxana Agler (D-142 Forest Ridge Elementary School Board Member) is under fire for not only her bad behavior during board meetings and acts of intimidation she's accused of making over email, but also for perks she appears to be taking that are not...

CHICAGO, IL. (ECWd) - Contact: Jennifer Bonjean, Bonjean Law Group: 917.566.3926 Media logistics: Andrew Touhy, 312.228.4800 MEDIA ADVISORY ALVAREZ CONSPIRED WITH LAWYERS TO AVENGE INNOCENCE PROJECT, SUIT ALLEGES Investigator Paul Ciolino Sues Cook County State’s Attorney, Also names prominent lawyers Terry Ekl, Jim Sotos, Andy Hale and their investigators (CHICAGO) April 28,...

TINLEY PARK, IL. (ECWd) - Roxana Agler, Forest Ridge Elementary School Board (D-142) member, is under increasing scrutiny for obscene and malicious emails she has been caught sending to other board members and Oak Forest, Illinois officials and employees. Agler is being accused of abusing her position on...

Forest Ridge, IL. (ECWd) - Forest Ridge School District 142 in the Chicago suburb of Oak Forest held its monthly board meeting on 4/19/16, at which board member Roxana Agler shamed herself with childish and bizarre behavior that is, in our opinion, unbecoming of an elected...
