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March 28, 2025

Author: Kirk Allen & John Kraft

Shelby Co. (ECWd) - The Shelby County Sheriff is now faced with more than just possible criminal charges for the sale of seized weapons and alleged payroll fraud, which we understand a charging decision is in the hands of the Attorney General after Shelby County State's...

Shelby Co. (ECWd) - During a recent Shelby County Farm Committee, the State's Attorney Nichole Kroncke provided some very interesting comments regarding the legal questions surrounding the leasing of farm ground for private purposes.  A recording of the meeting can be listened to at this link. Specifically,...

Piatt County, IL (ECWd) - Piatt County appears to be leading the charge in ensuring Illinois stays on the top three list of most corrupt states in the nation. A recent Federal Court filing by Michael Holmes, former County Emergency Management Agency Director of Piatt County lays...
