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March 28, 2025

Author: Kirk Allen & John Kraft

DuPage Co. (ECWd) - What will Congressman Hultgren do? After being unable to get any response from the Congressman's office, as well as from those orchestrating attempts to discredit College of DuPage Board Chairman Kathy Hamilton, it is time to share the evidence. July 31st, 2015, Republican...

DuPage Co. (ECWd) - Ever since the March 2015 election, we have seen some interesting losers attending the College of DuPage trustee meetings.  Specifically, former trustees Cory Atkinson and Dave Carlin, both who lost attempts to be re-elected as a COD board member. During these meetings, trustee...

UPDATE: We have now confirmed with ARDC that Ms. Ellis was licensed to practice May 7, 1992. Kane Co. (ECWd) - Traci Ellis, Assistant Director, Affirmative Action and Equity Compliance-Northern Illinois University (NIU), U46 Board member, and attorney-although her name does not show up as registered...
