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February 6, 2025

College of DuPage – Dr. Kartje exposed in Senate Resolution

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On December 20, 2015

DuPage Co. (ECWd) –
“Throughout her tenure, VPAA Kartje has repeatedly engaged in behavior and made decisions that have been detrimental to the College of DuPage. In particular, VPAA Kartje has…..”
That statement is the opening paragraph from the Faculty Senate Resolution calling for her removal.  The elements in that resolution are not all that different from what we exposed back in October regarding Dr. Karje and her failings as the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
The only thing that has changed since our last article on he,r is the fact that now the College is on probation from two separate accrediting agencies.
I think the resolution does a fine job detailing the reason this person must be held responsible, just as we called for in this article.  Note that item 5F in the resolution points to a footnote #6, which is a reference to the Edgar County Watchdogs.  Specifically, they are referring to her lack of communication skills in her response to the article we published about her failings.  (Click here for her response on our site)

We are pleased to have been a part of the Senate Resolution calling for her removal!

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Jean Kartje


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