...out. However, that section is to be filled out by the Clerk of the Election Authority, which in this case is the Township Clerk. 60 ILCS 1/45-20(b) ……”The nomination papers...
PARIS, IL. (ECWd) – At a meeting held December 19, 2016, the Edgar County Airport Zoning Commission voted to recommend an Airport Zoning Ordinance to the Edgar County Board for...
...before an emergency referendum, the election authority shall publish notice of the referendum. Examples of timeline statutes: Conduct of Elections -10 ILCS 5/17-1 : The polls shall be opened at...
...public body is inappropriate. We encourage the States Attorney’s office to educate the appropriate Police agencies that neither they, nor citizens who file a complaint, have the authority to determine...
EDGAR CO., IL. (ECWd) – Earlier this week the Edgar County Board published a draft Airport Zoning Ordinance – which has yet to be recommended by the Airport Zoning Commission...
WHITESIDE COUNTY, IL. (ECWd) – Once again, we have a County Board condoning a County Airport’s misuse of public funds, while the County State’s Attorney claims the county airport can...
...original depositor. As we have written in previous articles, there is no statutory authority for a stand-alone water district to collect any tap-on fees or deposits of any kind –...
ROCK ISLAND, IL. (ECWd) – The Housing Authority of the City of Rock Island, Rock Island, IL, Did Not Always Comply With HUD’s Requirements Regarding the Administration of Its Housing...
...the mayor. In our opinion, the city council did not have the authority to take that action and the city attorney does not have the authority to negotiate anything related...