...from the Village of Lerna the previous year, which resulted in a false SEI being filed. His answer was that he went to the Coles County Clerk’s office the day...
...meeting. In July of 2015 we attended the trustee meeting in Lerna, which is a village due south of the Coles County Regional Airport. During the meeting, we explained that...
DuPage Co. (ECWd) – When will elected officials learn that just because they get exposed for breaking the law, it does not give them any authority to issue a cease...
Paris, IL. (ECWd) – In an attempt at justifying his lies to the Sheriff’s Department about wanting a deputy at the airport meeting, Mike Heltsley, in an interview with the...
...likely that Heltsley cannot come to terms with the fact he has absolutely no police authority. This is also where Heltsley said he observed Bogue talking at the Monday morning...
...him that he had no authority to arrest anyone. A few minutes later he ordered me to leave the airport, and once again, I had to remind him that he...
Mattoon, IL. – Article from JG-TC: July 30, 2015 11:43 am CHARLESTON (JG-TC) — The Coles County Health Department has reported that a bird collected on July 21 in Mattoon...
...related to Breuder and may well cost the taxpayers even more. The release was done without board authority, which is a crime. If we are ever going to fix the...
...authority, and money changing hands with not one shred of a work product to show for it. Is that not Corruption? (Glaser O’Rourke malfeasance article) Former trustee Savage virtually admits...
...Glaser outside is scope of authority and apparently in secret to the normal grant acceptance process as those in charge of grants could not answer any questions on this one....