...quotes by Farnham, Edgar County Board Member, without fact-checking them. The quote used was in relation to the Edgar County Airport and its solicitation for bids for fuel. Farnham was...
...highlighted in yellow are the 12 schools that have never asked for authority to destroy records and 3 that have asked but have not initiated disposal certificates since asking. That...
...their decision to pursue the training as personal growth and development. The DuPage Housing Authority does not maintain training certification records for Commissioners of the DuPage Housing Authority as certification...
...the process. In case you want to read up on county and airport zoning, links are provided below. AIR TRANSPORTATION (620 ILCS 25/) Airport Zoning Act. The Airport Zoning Act...
...Board Chairman, Mr. Jeff Voigt. This letter explains that due to lack of zoning for the airport, there will be no airport projects programmed, nor will any Federal or State...
...constitute forgery depending on how such authority is documented on the certificates of destruction. The question now is, as it relates to COD, of those records Currier did destroy, was...
...by the Local Records Commission? In September of 2014, I issued an FOIA request pertaining to any records destruction policy. I was provided the file number 81-286 Application for Authority...
...now, simply filing a FOIA request to those public bodies, DuPage County has at least 12 of them under the appointing authority of Dan Cronin that understands the most basic...
...the monies or property of the same, except with the express authority of said board conferred at a meeting thereof and duly recorded in a record of its proceedings. The...
...under what authority did COD destroy e-mails in 2009 and 2010? Since approval was never given until January 4, 2011, it appears those destructions were not in compliance with the...