...extend to these purchases. County Board Chairman Wheeler was the only “NO” vote on this policy. Our opinion is that first, the county must provide statutory authority to expend public...
...city cannot be appointed to the airport commission? Why is it this is taking so long, and why is it that neither IDOT nor the Airport Authority and its legal...
EDGAR Co., IL. (ECWd) – In the video below, Rob Bogue and I are discussing various airports in Illinois, to include issues with the Vermilion County Regional Airport Authority’s Commissioners,...
DANVILLE, IL. (ECWd) – We have recently written about Steve Foster, and other’s, disqualifications of office that prevented them from serving as a Vermilion County Regional Airport Authority Commissioner. That...
...to at least one more meeting instead of doing the honorable thing and resigning Nothing he said about other airports has any relevance to the Vermilion County Airport Authority It...
...information and belief, in November 2011, Dr. Breuder asked Tom Glaser what was the level of signatory authority he possessed to approve expenses without Board disclosure/approval. 70. Upon information and...
COLES CO., IL. (ECWd) – Defendant Barry Wolfe appeared in Coles County Court today for a hearing and entered a Guilty Plea to 4 counts of sexual abuse of a...
...and therefore prohibited from serving as an airport authority commissioner, and Steve Foster, who is a City of Danville Alderman, and as such is prohibited from serving as an airport...
McHenry Co. (ECWd) – Is there anyone that does not understand that one public body cannot pass resolutions and policies for another public body? It would do the Algonquin Township...
...authority for a Road District to be such a member and there is no such authority given in the Highway Code. Now we understand there are a lot of “associations”...