...been notified that the county airport may lose GATA grant funding because the questionnaire in the GATA portal was not completed or signed by you as required in your official...
...of Illinois’ history with airports and airport authorities, and the qualifications and disqualifications of an Airport Authority Commissioner. He talked about the history of the authority’s real estate taxes and...
...more (here) Lincoln-Way East High School’s Associate Principal arrested and lied about it (here) Mattoon’s illegal appointment to the Coles County Airport Authority (here) Pecatonica Township’s flagrant abuse of power,...
...and “This is our airport” indicating, to us at least, that this was a personal grudge against those who were questioning activities at this airport and had some personal interest...
Shelbyville, IL. (ECWd) – We attended the Shelby County Airport Board Meeting yesterday, Sep 14, 2020. The main topics we brought up were the following: Which county airport statute is...
...arrested by U.S. Marshalls in Mississippi and charged (here) exposed Police Officer’s DUI – he plead Guilty (here) stopped illegal appointment of Airport Authority Commissioner (here) exposed School Assistant Principle’s...
...Facebook Live to explain it (here). Apparently, this person just walked up behind some people in the airport and stabbed one of them before running off. Victim is at the...
...Airport Board Resignations: http://www.saukvalley.com/2017/04/25/chairman-member-resign-from-whiteside-county-airport-board/adifbt1/ From the Manhattan Institute for Public Policy Lunch Lecture (April 2017): https://youtu.be/6qS8DQcZ0Ec?t=13m19s State Journal-Register SJR (Mautino SBE Hearing): http://www.sj-r.com/news/20170421/hearing-probes-illinois-auditor-generals-campaign-spending Chicago Tribune (Mautino SBE Hearing) http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/politics/ct-auditor-general-elections-board-met-0421-20170420-story.html Student...
...investigation? The Treasure has been screaming about this problem for over a year. The fee offices activity and corresponding transfers, the sheriffs special account, and airport farm account are not...
...8.1 of Public Health Act) One thing we noticed on first reading, is the exemption for Airports and Hospitals having sit-down restaurants. We understand the hospitals, but why is it...