...doubt that eventually, this airport will receive some sort of funding from the FAA and IDOT, however, they must first comply with the laws of this state regarding this airport....
...airport purposes. Attempts by Gary Henry to place the blame on Bogue’s insistence on the Edgar County Airport simply following the laws they are operating under is baseless. The sole...
...committees to conduct its business. In this particular case, the airport board oversees city owned property – much like most county airport board oversee county owned property – and therefore...
TERRE HAUTE, IN. (ECWd) – Jerome “J.D.” Kesler, Vigo County Indiana Emergency Management Agency (“EMA”) Deputy Director, Vigo County Sheriff Special Deputy and former Edgar County Airport Board Member was...
...by Whiteside County. The Airport does not have legal authority to hire outside legal counsel. Dave Murray makes the third resignation from this airport/board since we started looking at the...
...the Whiteside County Airport violated the Open Meetings Act in 2016. The first violation occurred when the Airport board decided to move into closed session to discuss issues with the...
...airport. Rodriguez reimbursed NIU for most of the airfare and airport transportation costs (here). Wally Pfeiffer. Small, but sneaky. When Pfeiffer’s 2nd invoice under his consulting contract exceeded his contractual...
...16th meeting so they can attend the May 18 airport board meeting as members of that board. Our previous articles on Whiteside County Airport (here) discuss what we believe to...
WHITESIDE CO., IL. (ECWd) – We attended the Whiteside County Airport Board meeting last night, April 13, 2017, and a citizen beat me to the questions. A citizen asked about...
Kankakee Co. (ECWd) – Last month while exposing the activities at the Kankakee Valley Airport that led to the resignations of both a board member and the board’s attorney, we...