EDGAR CO. (ECWd) – Just a reminder for those interested, there is an Edgar County Airport board meeting on Tuesday, January 8, 2013 at 6:00 P.M., at the airport. Some...
...and demand justice and accountability from their elected officials. And for those interested, feel free to attend the County Airport Meeting Tuesday night, (01/08/2013) at 6pm at the airport!...
...Patrick and Jimmy Wells, as the Airport Chairman and Airport Manager, have clearly not followed the guidelines outlined by the FAA under the Federal Grant Assurances stipulations. Specifically those found...
...being said, lets now take a look at some VERY INTERESTING facts pertaining to Chris Patrick and his involvement with the now famous Edgar County Airport as it relates to...
EDGAR CO. (ECWd) – Torturous Interference With Business In another attempt at infringing on the rights of RSB Aviation to conduct their business, Mr. Jimmy Wells, Edgar County Airport Manager,...
...are following for the airport he had no idea! How do you run an airport and not know what statute to follow? Hardly the leadership the airport needs. Fortunately, he...
...during the Airport Board meeting in question responds to Mr. Schneider’s question, not once, not twice, but three times confirming that the Airport Board VOTED to terminate the lease. Mr....
As most everyone knows by now, there is quite the scandal taking place at the Edgar County Airport and the airport manager seems to be in it up to his...
ECWd – We have confirmation that Jimmy Wells, Edgar County Airport Manager, has in fact removed his personal airplane from the main hanger. Concerns raised at the last county board...
...Wells at the Airport. My presentation to the new board started around the :40 minute mark. Chris Patrick, as the Chairman of the Airport board, knew that his airport manager...