In a time in our country when more and more personal rights are being violated, as evident by none other than 4 former Edgar County employees, it’s disgusting enough to see the issue of trying to ban a baby from a public facility over breast feeding but now with time and research more is coming to the surface.
Edgar County has a known history of intimidation and disregard for the law by its public officials and it appears the exposure of actions from the Airport employees is producing the same behavior.
What has been verbalized to RSB Aviation is retaliation for a family standing their ground on their right to do nothing more than feed their child naturally.
According to the airport board members, they did not “hear” anything about breastfeeding during their last meeting and now the claim is being made that the discussion was about a child running around the property, although word has it that “some” are “possibly” remembering otherwise!
If, and its a very big IF, a child running around was true, would it make any sense at all for a father to fabricate a breast feeding story? Would it make any sense for the Grandfather, who was present during the meeting, fabricated the breast feeding story? Would anyone in their right mind spend money to get private legal counsel on such a matter if it wasn’t true, all while knowing you would have a room full of people claiming it to be false? You dig into your pocket to spend money on an attorney when you are confident you have been violated or know your rights have been infringed. That is normal!
Looking at the overwhelming comments and support for Rusty and his company, I find it hard to believe that Rusty Bogue fabricated the events outlined.
It has been confirmed that the board did make a motion and authorize Jimmy Wells to handle the situation as he sees fit. So we must ask, WHAT SITUATION needed handled?
When you start to analyze things you find serious conflict with peoples position and the relation those positions have with both documented information and direct verbal confirmations.
For example, why does the employee at the airport take a county vehicle home at lunch every day? It was expressed by Mr. Wells that it was because the employee was bothered by the breast feeding so now “We The People” pick up the tab for private use of public property yet again. They don’t deny the employee takes the vehicle home for lunch so if breastfeeding wasn’t ever discussed, as the Board Members are claiming, why now does this employee need to be provided a vehicle to go home and eat?
The fact is he takes that vehicle home during lunch because he was bothered by the feeding, which happens during the lunch time frame! This whole problem started about the most basic right a mother has, a right to feed her child naturally!
When the board members were confronted and denied any discussion of breastfeeding taking place why was there no mention or clarification that the issue was about a child running around the office and/or hanger area not breastfeeding?
I suspect it is because that excuse hadn’t been thought of yet. If the truthful issue was a child running around the property would it be so difficult to simply establish a policy properly for the public at large to comply with for the safety of everyone?
If it didn’t happen is Mr. Wells willing to face a lie detector? Investigators use them so why not use them to get to the truth of this matter?
Compound these events with the termination of the lease it would appear we have a case of intimidation from the county airport employee and board members who support this action.
This weekend generated a lot of upset people visiting the airport and letting Mr. Wells know how they feel about his actions. During one of those discussions Mr. Wells expressed that it wasn’t all his idea to have RSB Aviation lease terminated.
Several people were present and heard that statement from Mr. Wells so more questions are generated. Who is pulling the strings that Mr. Wells answers too? No board action was taken on this matter so again, under what authority was this lease terminated?
A bigger question is under what authority was the lease issued? Mr. Wells has no authority to issue leases at the airport according to statute so how is it that he would have authority to terminate one? Its clearly not a power in his contract to establish and manage leases and even if it were, it has not been handled in compliance with the statue but that shouldn’t surprise anyone in Edgar County as its the norm in virtually every division of our County Government.
Don’t take my word for it, read it yourself!
General County Airport and Landing Field Act.
<span style="font-family: Courier New; font-size: small;">620 ILCS 40/6)</span>
<span style="font-family: Courier New; font-size: small;">(from Ch. 15 1/2, par. 74)</span>
<span style="font-family: Courier New; font-size: small;">(</span>
<span style="font-family: Courier New; font-size: small;">Sec. 6. </span>
<span style="font-family: Courier New; font-size: small;">The <em>county board</em> of every county has the power (1) to lease all or any part of such an airport, landing field, facilities, and other structures, and fix and collect rentals therefor,(2) to fix, charge, and collect rentals, tolls, fees, and charges to be paid for the use of the whole or any part of such an airport or landing field, buildings, or other facilities, (3) to make contracts for the operation and management of such an airport, landing field, or other air navigation facilities, and (4) to provide for the use, management, and operation of such an airport, landing field, or air navigation facilities through lessees thereof, or through its own employees, or otherwise. However, no lease for the operation or management of such an airport, landing field, or air navigation facilities shall be made for more than one year except to the highest and best bidder, after notice of the lease or contract has been given by at least one publication, made at least one week before the date of the lease or contract, in a newspaper of general circulation published in the county.</span>
<span style="font-family: Courier New; font-size: small;">(Source: Laws 1941, vol. 1, p. 463</span>
<span style="font-family: Courier New; font-size: small;">.)</span>
The county board of every county has the power (1) to lease all or any part of such an airport, landing field, facilities, and other structures, and fix and collect rentals therefor,(2) to fix, charge, and collect rentals, tolls, fees, and charges to be paid for the use of the whole or any part of such an airport or landing field, buildings, or other facilities, (3) to make contracts for the operation and management of such an airport, landing field, or other air navigation facilities, and (4) to provide for the use, management, and operation of such an airport, landing field, or air navigation facilities through lessees thereof, or through its own employees, or otherwise. However, no lease for the operation or management of such an airport, landing field, or air navigation facilities shall be made for more than one year except to the highest and best bidder, after notice of the lease or contract has been given by at least one publication, made at least one week before the date of the lease or contract, in a newspaper of general circulation published in the county.
(Source: Laws 1941, vol. 1, p. 463
Whats it mean? The COUNTY BOARD has the power to lease! Each numbered item is a COUNTY BOARD power granted. The power to lease is not in the hands of the Airport Manager even though it is the Airport Manager who issued the lease.
Yet another example of a division of County Government that has neither read the statute its bound to or implemented and apply it as the law requires.
As usual, each and every time we dig into the operations of our public bodies we find things that have nothing to do with what first lead us to that public body. In this case its become very clear yet more public employee’s taking advantage of the tax payer by use of public property for personal use.
We fully intend to expose that information in a separate article as to not cloud the issue pertaining to RSB Aviation.
In light of the outlined information it only makes sense for the County Board to ensure the law is being followed at the airport and immediately retract the bogus termination notice provided to RSB Aviation and take steps to start doing things the way the law outlines. That is not asking to much!
Failure to do so has numerous legal ramifications but all those aside, do they really want to be responsible for the unemployment of 5 full time people and 3 part timers employed by RSB Aviation? The impact of a family losing their business is bad enough but there is also 8 families being directly impacted over this bogus termination.
If we are to assume for the sake of argument that breastfeeding has nothing to do with this chain of events and its really about a child running around, are we going to allow something so trivial to directly impact the lives of so many people?
Does the Airport Board and Airport Manager really want to be responsible for 8 people loosing their jobs right before the Holidays?
Is the Airport Board and Airport Manager going to be the Grinch that stole Christmas for 9 families this year?
Men of honor should stand up and fix this mess but I’m afraid based on the historic actions of our officials we are running short of any Men of Honor. I pray they prove me wrong!
I urge everyone to attend the December 3rd, 2012 County Board meeting at 9 am at the Courthouse and express your concern over this matter. The voice of the people is the beginning of fixing a broke system. Each and every member of the public who attends has a right to 5 minutes of time to express their thoughts on any matter of concern to them.
If you KNOW you will be attending the meeting PLEASE post below in the comment section and let us know. If we KNOW the number is so large that they all can’t fit into the Courtroom they will have to have the meeting at a different location!
God Help Edgar County and may God Help RSB Aviation!
Gary Geisler
Posted at 09:51h, 01 DecemberI want to express my support for Rusty Bogue and his family. I bought an airplane
from Rusty and was impressed with his professionalism. He was very helpful during
the buying process and with servicing my airplane. Edgar County will be the loser
if you force him out of business.
Cliff Macke
Posted at 13:47h, 30 NovemberI strongly support Rusty Bogue and his wonderful family as they are among the
nicest people this community has living here. While this is quite sad for their
family…what a shame that all the hard work spent on that facility out there
has to be tarnished by this situation. In a community where having 2 working
married parents is rare we should applaud what there doing NOT FIRE them for
it. They have my support 100% !
Ron Thompson
Posted at 22:05h, 29 NovemberI will be at the meeting. I rent and fly out of the airport.
I know Rusty and Ann and they are great people and an asset
to this community. It would be a great loss however I believe
they are here to stay and plan on renting from RSB for the
next two years. If they are forced to leave, me and a lot of
other pilots will go elsewhere.
Posted at 20:26h, 29 NovemberSo, any truth to the story that the “tenant” was several months
behind in rent thereby getting FREE office space from the
taxpayers of Edgar county?
Posted at 20:52h, 29 NovemberNo truth at all with that lie!
There is, however, truth in that Jimmy is getting free storage
for a private plane and private tools – when his employment
contract says he has a small space to be used as the “manager’s
work area. “Manager’s work area” means for his employment duties,
not his private plane…
Kirk Allen
Posted at 23:34h, 28 NovemberKirk Allen liked this on Facebook.
Bill Schodlatz
Posted at 19:38h, 28 NovemberI have had the pleasure of meeting Mr Bogue and the joy of my
first flight with him. The professionalism and courtesy was
unbelievable He not only welcomed my son and I but you could
feel the passion this young man has for aviation . It would be
a true shame to let this mans ta”lent and passion for aviation
leave this community . I’m sure other communities would love to
have a gentleman like this be part of there lives . A true loss
for edgar county.
Dale Pufahl
Posted at 17:49h, 28 NovemberIs this for real? My parents live there and I use to fly at this
airport a long time ago and I’m told this airport has made
significant improvements in recent years. It appears the local
government has another agenda and this usually means someone in
the local government is going get a pay off if this happens.
This smells like someone within the local government is corrupt
or getting a bribe to push such a ridiculous actions. This is a
terrible crime against the people of Edgar County….stand up
if you feel the same.
Del Pufahl
Posted at 20:02h, 28 NovemberYou are probably right on with your comment. Rusty and Ann
have built up a business that shows tremendous potential.
I would not be surprised to hear that someone else is already
lined up to take over after Rusty and Ann have been removed.
Breastfeeding was simply their excuse.
Posted at 09:20h, 28 NovemberIt would seem to me that all the improvements in recent
years at the airport were done to increase commerce at
the airport. Terminating the lease of a business that is
bringing income to the county would seem to be like cutting
off your arm to spite your hand.
Anyone who has a problem with a breastfeeding mother likely
has some issues they need to deal with themselves. It’s
not like she was running around the airport topless (although
that might drum up some business)
Al Schneider
Posted at 08:51h, 28 NovemberI will very definetly be at the December 3 county board meeting
Al Schneider
Posted at 00:35h, 28 NovemberI am a disabled Korean War Veteran who along
with thousands of other young men and women
spent 1952 fighting for our beloved Country.
I watched thousands wounded and thousands
killed. Through the grace of God many of us
returned home. I love my country dearly. I
am devastated by the events of the past few
years, the last four years, the 6th and 7th
of this month and and the next four years and
what it is doing to and what it will continue
to do to our beloved United States of America.
I have suspected that nothing could possibly
happen that might upset me more, however, I
find that the recent events at the Edgar County
Airport have proven this to be wrong.
I hesitated to pen a note till I had all of the
correct facts. This happening at the present time
seems to be wishful thinking. It seems that there
have been some “flip flopping” some folks apparently
totally forgetting just exactly what might have
been said or not said at a given time. Folks,
what I do know for sure is that Rusty’s lease
has been terminated effective December 31. There
seems to be some uncertainty about what exactly
brought this termination about but if the two or
three things I have heard were all put together
—– it would be totally and completely INSANE.
I use this word until I can come up with something
worse. I strongly feel that several folks I have
for many years thought very highly of have
completely lost their minds.
Sadly, I feel that no matter how this turns out it
will leave very bad feelings for years to come. I
feel so very sad for Rusty, Ann and MJ.
I have been a pilot in Edgar County longer than most.
I started taking lessons at 14 years of age, could
not solo till I was 15, could not get my private
license till I was 16. I am now 82. Each of these
events took place on my birthday. I had around 300
hrs when I soloed and almost 1000 hours when I got
my license. On my 16th birthday after my ticket was
signed my first passenger was my Mother. I have landed
and took off many, many times at every airport Edgar
County ever had. I had a strip of my own just West
of Grandview——-I mention this to show that I have
always had a great interest in Aviation in Edgar
County and have always been very proud of the Edgar
County Airport and very proud of what Rusty has done
at the airport. I gave Rusty his first flying lesson
———when he was in the 6th or 7th grade——–
Radio controlled—–some have said that this could
possibly have been a factor in his present day interest
in aviation. I have rambled long enough–I pray to
God that something good can be worked out.
Doug Sutton
Posted at 22:36h, 27 NovemberAs an Edgar County taxpayer, local business person
and pilot, I must say I’m outraged at this action
by the board. RSB aviation is an asset to the
airport. Breastfeeding or child in the office area,
sounds like someone needs to get a life and quit
whining. RSB Aviation creates a lot of business for
the airport and I for one will fly out of another
area airport from now on. They will appreciate my
Kirk Allen
Posted at 22:29h, 27 NovemberMessage: What 4 former employees you confuse me
going from baby feeding to this please explain
Response: Two County Jailers that were convicted
of sexual crimes against female inmates, and two
County Deputies, Dee Burgin and Terry Rogers, for
violating a girls civil rights in an illegal strip
Tim F.
Posted at 22:27h, 27 NovemberStopped by the airport today to talk with Jimmy and
he was no where to be found. Funny how that works.
I also noticed a sign on the door stating they would
no longer accept cash only check or credit. Who
doesn’t accept cash? Maybe this goes deeper, did
somebody get their hand caught in the cookie jar
with a cover up?
Doug Sutton
Posted at 22:27h, 27 NovemberAs an Edgar County taxpayer and a pilot, I’m a user
of the Edgar County airport. I’m not 100% sure of
all the details involved in this matter, but if it
has to do with breastfeeding a child, I see a lawsuit
in the near future. As for the “child running around
the office or hangar area”, My God, this is not
Indianapolis International airport. RSB Aviation is
an asset to Edgar County Airport. If not for them,
there would be fewer pilots flying in and out of
there, including me. I will definetly be at the Dec.
3rd meeting to express my opinion!!!
a concerned citizen
Posted at 22:23h, 27 NovemberIf the beast feeding or toddler running around
are true ,then something should have been discussed
among all parties involved before now, the child is
now a year and a half! I have known Jimmy for a
couple of years and Rusty for more, neither one
of them are bad people. I know Rusty has really
done a great job publicizing Edgar County airport
and is probably the sole reason for increased
utilization which led to the recent expansion of a
new. I must mention, at little or no cost to local
taxing bodies. legalities aside, does it really
make sense to evict a business who promotes our
community like Rusty and his employees.
Posted at 21:12h, 27 NovemberI will be there to support Rusty and his family!
Donna Bussart-Stiff
Posted at 20:49h, 27 NovemberDonna Bussart-Stiff liked this on Facebook.