...this suit. Due to the refusal and inaction of the County Board, Airport Board, and Airport FOIA Officer, these extra costs will be forced on the good citizens of this...
...agree Mr. Patrick, so let’s base it on the facts of action that have already taken place. Your were C0unty Airport Chairman for 25 years You billed the Airport via...
EDGAR CO. (ECWd) – During the County Board Study Session this morning, Mr. Patrick made some statements about the junk truck stored in the barn at the airport. – The...
...any words of wisdom from Mr. Character: [gview file=”https://edgarcountywatchdogs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/airportstrawpoll.pdf”] Straw Poll Defined – A straw poll or straw vote is a vote with nonbinding results. (notice no mention of secret...
EDGAR CO. (ECWd) – I sit in complete amazement at the level of ignorance shown by Jimmy Wells, a public servant at the Edgar County Airport. It has become increasingly...
...the Airport Advisory committee members and an Airport Employee who has no authority to sign for the County Board Chairman. So what did we find in Part 2 of 2?...
EDGAR CO. (ECWd) – While driving past the Edgar County Airport a couple of days ago, I noticed something inside of what they call the “Ag Buildings” and decided to...
...happen to be on the airport board. Yes, they would be private if that is what happen but it’s not and the record, both documented and verabally proves that, so...
...the secrecy Mr. Character thinks he must keep. – The CD was gifted to the airport as noted in the airport meeting minutes -The airport board voted to take Jack...
EDGAR CO. (ECWd) – It has been echoed by Mr. Chris “Character” Patrick as well as most recently, County Board member Mike Heltsley that the Airport Board is an Advisory...