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October 20, 2024

Edgar County Zoning Commission Recommends County Pass Zoning Ordinance –

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - At a meeting held December 19, 2016, the Edgar County Airport Zoning Commission voted to recommend an Airport Zoning Ordinance to the Edgar County Board for their approval. This, despite opposition from nearly every person attending the meeting, and a promise from the...

Sangamon Co. (ECWd) - The Village of Chatham Ethics Commission held their second meeting today regarding bird finger-flipping Mayor Gray.  The commission found no evidence to support any ethics violations listed in the first complaint by Jewel Brant, however, her amended complaint hit it out...

CHATHAM, IL. (ECWd) - The Mayor of Chatham, Illinois, Thomas Gray - who is also an attorney (officer of the Courts), immediate past president of the Illinois Municipal League, and (recently retired) General Counsel to the Illinois Teachers' Retirement System, thought to act his unprofessional self and flip-off a...

LaSalle Co. (ECWd) - I said the story was falling apart in this article. Chief of LaSalle Police Department, according to Illinois State Police criminal investigation reports, states the following: "Chief Uranich stated those other officers aren't productive".  (See page 3 of 16) In an effort...

DuPage Co. (ECWd) - With over half of the DuPage County Board also being attorneys, to include the County Chairman, how is it that laws don't matter in DuPage County? Through friends and crony connections, multiple DuPage County officials have attempted to get the Edgar County...

BLOOMINGTON, IL. (ECWd) - The Bloomington Election Commission and its Municipal Officers Electoral Board has rescheduled the hearing previously scheduled for Thursday (where they failed once again to properly post the agenda) for Friday December 9th at 2:30 p.m., or 1430 hours. There are other petition objection hearings...
