In a direct reflection of Mayor Deanna Demuzio’s incompetence in seeking out legal advice, her chosen attorneys are failing to assist her in complying with the law – unless maybe she is directing them to ignore the law?
In yet another apparent willful disregard of the Freedom of Information Act, the attorney who receives this information from the AG, Mr. Dan Schuering, has failed to respond.
The AG’s PAC sent a second letter requesting the city respond to a request for review of the city’s failure to comply with the FOIA within 5 working days after receiving a request for public records.
The city claims it sent the records to me on a CD (in early April), which never arrived and they obviously didn’t track the letter, then they claimed to have sent it again last Tuesday (which has mysteriously never arrived and fallen into the same black hole as the previous CD mailer).
Now the city didn’t bother to respond to the AG PAC’s letter of inquiry as the law requires of them.
This is how public officials act when they are trying to hide things from the public. There can be no other reason.
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Warren J. Le Fever
Posted at 17:00h, 25 AprilThis is beginning to look serious criminal. Local residents need to get together and do some investigating of their own. It’s possible there is Federal Law violation and there is a phone tip line. State investigators are very often not too energetic and county often covers things up. Good luck to the locals!!
Danni Smith
Posted at 09:03h, 26 Aprilthe banana republics litter Illinois. That’s why Illinois is the Land of Leavin’ in this trashy state. Years ago springfield put in a law, that we the people, cannot litter. And just like the pols get excluded from obowellcare, they are also excluded from trashing our state.