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March 16, 2025

Maine Township – Fails Mandated Record Keeping for General Assistance –

Jasper Co., IL. (ECWd) - Our previous article in this school district looked at the non-legally-binding alleged Cease and Desist letter given to an elected school board member (here). This Jasper County School District #1 - Board of Education and this School Superintendent are still playing the...

Cook Co. (ECWd) - WARNING: Content found in these legal documents contain pornographic descriptions and search terms As if sexual harassment in the workplace is not bad enough, we now find that everything from attempts to scrub hard drives, to hiding computers has taken place in their...

COLES CO., IL. - Disclosure News Online UDPATED article with court records (click here). There are definite problems within Illinois school districts…and something that’s happened with a science teacher at Mattoon High School underscores this. Further, the situation as it stands with a huge number of kids being...

FOSTERBURG, IL. (ECWd) - In our continuing coverage of the complete mess about to be constructed by the City of Carlinville, Fosterburg Water District, and a private corporation, Jersey County Rural Water Company, we have found some interesting new concepts in play in the Fosterburg Water...
