McHenry Co. (ECWd) –
Former Algonquin Township Highway Commissioner Bob Miller appears not to understand what “sealed” means.
A receipt from Shaw Media reflects the bid notice for a new street sweeper and it specifically spells out that the bids will be sealed and open in public.
How do we know a bid was received that was not a sealed bid? Because it was sent electronically at 8:44 am, the morning of the date they were due. (See page 1)
The bid provided electronically also had the Bidding Instructions included that stated: “Bid form must be inserted in an envelope, sealed and marked “Sweeper Bid”. (See page 15)
Clearly, sending a bid by email is not a sealed bid and did not meet the Bidding Instructions provided.
Never mind that it was also the same company that won the bid, who just happens to also be the one that provided the very specifications that were used to solicit the bids. More on that later!
Oh, wait, did we mention they were also the high bidder? No, nothing to see here…
Electronic Bid for Sweeper•
Our work is funded entirely thru donations and we ask that you consider donating at the below link.
Posted at 15:31h, 20 November“meat” the Bidding Instructions??? LOL! Love the typo!
Kirk Allen
Posted at 15:35h, 20 NovemberGreat catch! Thanks! LOL
Posted at 23:18h, 20 NovemberLooks like they took lessons from Doug Baker at NIU.