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March 16, 2025

Carlinville Alderman Campbell resigned –

McHenry Co. (ECWd) During the June 20, 2019 hearing in Lake County regarding legal fees for Local 150 against the Algonquin Township Road District, the two attorneys for Local 150 took opposing positions on who should be responsible for the requested legal fees pertaining to Highway...

Wesley Township (ECWd) - The Attorney General's Public Access Counselor ("PAC") issued a determination letter stating that during its July 26, 2018 Township Trustee meeting, Wesley Township violated Section 2(e) of the Open Meetings Act when it voted to appoint "Candidate A" as Township Clerk without...

Algonquin Township (ECWd) - Yesterday in McHenry County Circuit Court, our Motion to Reconsider a previous Order denying (and then Staying production) a Motion to Quash a subpoena from Algonquin township for our DropBox files, including names of anyone who ever had access to them was...

ALGONQUIN TOWNSHIP (ECWd) - The Illinois Attorney General's Public Access Counselor ("PAC") issued a determination letter stating that Algonquin Township violated the Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA") when they denied my March 21, 2019, FOIA request for certain records of the township. James Kelly, Algonquin Township Attorney,...

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - We finally received our FOIA responses from the Illinois State Police in reference to the collision with an Edgar County Sheriff Deputy and DUI charge against Stacey Adams on April 17, 2019. We would also like to note that these are merely police...

Edgar Co. (ECWd) - During this morning's Edgar County Board study session, Eric Shaughnessy, former contracted ambulance provider for the Edgar County Special Services Area, provided documentation pertaining to funds he claims is still owed to his company for services rendered and not paid under his...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - Algonquin Township Supervisor Chuck Lutzow has been entangled in an alleged breach of fiduciary duty and constructive fraud case as the treasure for the Township Road District funds. We covered the initial filing of that court case in this article. The lawsuit was...
