...prejudice (cannot file again) in a previous case he filed, in which he was Ordered to pay those defendant’s attorney fees, and is still under Court Ordered Indirect Civil Contempt...
...dollars were spent improperly. It appears he was either not paying attention or chose to ignore one key statement by the State’s Attorney. 1:25:39 – “We can ask him to...
...pay the property tax. While we agree there was no language in the farm lease as to who pays, we understand no such language was in the farm lease in...
...was issued against him and on January 16, 2020, Norton testified in that case. While he rambled about not having to pay taxes on certain income, he disclosed what should...
...rights by restricting where on their property they can display the American Flag. If one is to pay taxes to the King for all of the property, they should be...
...to recover any such erroneous payment directly from the person or entity who received such payment and/or from other payers and/or the Claimant or Dependent on whose behalf such payment...
...Sheriff resigned effective June 25, 2021. A charging decision is in the hands of the Attorney General as it relates to illegal guns sales and alleged payroll fraud. Today we...
...It does not make him the Sheriff. In a strange twist, McQueen informed the county treasurer that he is to be paid Sheriff’s pay effective on the day of his...
...project, including construction of new interior streets, street lighting, landscaping, and sidewalk improvements, and was eligible to receive more than $10 million in tax increment financing and other payments from...