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March 3, 2025

Kankakee County Auditor sues Chairman Wheeler and County Board for Usurping His Duties –

Shelby Co. (ECWd) - "The County Engineer shall devote his full time and attention and the best efforts to the work of the Shelby County Highway Department and shall not actively conduct other business unrelated to the Shelby County Highway Department during normal business days and hours." Is...

Wesley Township, IL. (ECWd) - After successfully having the frivolous lawsuit Dismissed with prejudice under the Citizen Participation Act ("CPA"), Robert Hanlon, Attorney for the Defendants (Cindy Brzana and others), filed a Motion for Attorney fees, which are mandated when a Defendant prevails in a CPA...

Shelby Co. (ECWd) - UPDATE with document date correction Shelby County Highway Department Highway Engineer Alan Spesard has been using county resources for private gain. See Part I of this series. After numerous tips of self-dealing, to include use of county resources during his county employment hours,...

Carbondale, IL. (ECWd) - State employees should already know that electioneering using state resources, such as their state email accounts, violates state ethics laws. State officers and employees take mandatory classes on the subject, but some still try to flaunt the system, thinking they won't get caught. We...
