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March 29, 2025


Shelby Co. (ECWd) - The Taylorville Daily News ran a story today which appears to clear up the misinformation provided to them by the Shelby County State's Attorney. "Regional Radio News has received a copy of that audit and the information shows quite a stark difference from...

Champaign Co. (ECWd) The Sangamon Valley Public Water District attorney Ed Flynn filed a writ of mandamus lawsuit against Champaign County Executive Darlene Kloeppel in an attempt to force her to make an appointment to an alleged vacancy on the water district's board. There are several notable...

Shelby Co. (ECWd) - We covered the misinformation being spread by County Board Member Jeff Slifer in this article.  The political hysteria being pushed claiming the county treasurer caused union grievances are not only filled with misinformation, but also omissions of some very important facts, and...

Shelby Co. (ECWd) - Over the last two years, we have observed numerous unchecked statements from Shelby County Board members and chalked most of them up to simple ignorance.  However, it appears Board Member Jeff Slifer has chosen to take things to a new level that...

Shelby Co. (ECWd) - In our last article, we pointed to Benjamin Franklin's famous response regarding the form of Government we have, "A Republic if you can keep it".   As we mentioned in that article, we referenced how people pump out misinformation which contains an element...
